subject of international law

美 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt əv ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl lɔː]英 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt ɒv ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl lɔː]
  • 网络国际法主体;国际法的主体
subject of international lawsubject of international law
  1. The New Discussion on the Subject of International Law


  2. On the Subject of International Law


  3. The individual is not the subject of international law at all .


  4. The individual is the subject of international law but not the unique one ;


  5. On the Special Subject of International Law


  6. If maximize their own interests , a subject of international law will tend to choose cooperation .


  7. The question of the individual as subject of international law is the controversial question about the fundamental theory in international law .


  8. EU is a special subject of international law because it is different from the general international organization and has some federal structure elements .


  9. The modern international law theories has already expanded the subject of international law to country , inter-governmental organization and nation striving for independence .


  10. On Individuals as the Subject of International Law : Reflections on the Rules for Individuals in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea


  11. With the further development of global economic and international society , we must think over the individual , multinational corporation and the non-governmental organization as the subject of international law .


  12. Due to the lack of unified legislature and enforcement agencies , the implementation of international law to a large extent depends on the autonomous decision-making of the subject of international law .


  13. Nowadays , there are four different viewpoints on this question in the field of international law , they are : ( 1 ) the individual is the subject of international law and is the unique one ;


  14. In addition to being bound by the rules of international law and ethics , the interests of a subject of international law rules will be taken into most consideration in whether or not comply with a rule .


  15. Besides these , new problems exist in legal subject of international private law , international civil action and economy trade arbitration .


  16. Reflection on the Subject Setting of International Economic Law and International Commercial Law


  17. According to the standards of right and obligation , environmental NGO already has a limited subject qualification of international environmental law .


  18. On the Subject Status of Mankind in International Law


  19. And then there 's the economic question that is the subject of much debate in international law . Who owns the intellectual property ?


  20. Under certain conditions admitted that some of the international environmental non-governmental organizations and the limited range of the subject status of the international environmental law .
